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Our Team


Project Manager

With his enthusiastic character, Luke is a real working train without breaks. Working most of his career in real estate, he knows all the ins and outs of construction work.


Project Manager

With his German humor, Clemens makes the office (not) laugh. With his experience in the procurement industry, he contributes to our teamwork every day.


Project Manager

With her infectious laughter and pun-packed WeChat Stickers, Bella is our rockstar office manager.


Lights Specialist

Jake is bright and know all the ins and outs about lighting. With his experience and expertise he is the go-to-person for any question about lights.


Sales & Marketing Manager

Sarah is a real all-rounder with skills in many fields. She is always willing to learn more and manages our social media and newsletter.


Technical Design Specialist

Francisco is a real doer - he understand the product requirements and implements product design for our factories.


CAD Drafter

Romelyn is an experienced CAD drafter with a background in cabinetry design. She enables us to design furniture in-house.


Project Manager

Sharon is our office's perpetual motion machine, a tornado of enthusiasm wrapped in a human suit. If she had a superpower, it would be infinite battery life.


Project Manager

Don't let Tasha's quiet demeanor fool you, she's got the organizational skills of a drill sergeant and the patience of a saint (which comes in handy when dealing with clients who think particle board is a luxury item).


Project Manager

Gavin is our resident civil engineering guru, bringing the kind of knowledge to procurement that makes contractors tremble in their steel-toed boots.


Key Account Manager

Kars loves challenges and would really like to be 2 m tall - but numbers don't lie, and 1.99 m is not 2 m quite yet.


Cost Controller & Accountant

With her eye for details and an extensive experience Maranda sets a professional framework around our work.


Product Manager

Jessel is our product whisperer. She's got the multitasking skills of an octopus playing the drums, and somehow manages to keep all our product ducks in a row (without resorting to duct tape, usually).


QC Specialist

With his active and positive character, Bruce contributes to deliveries without quality defects.