Furniture Sourcing Trip in China
We take you on a fully organized trip to select and shop your furniture in China
China is perhaps the world-wide biggest manufacturer of furniture today. The country is known as a significant player, showcasing a unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design innovation. For those seeking to source high-quality furniture pieces for cost-efficient prices, embarking on a sourcing trip to China presents an unparalleled opportunity to explore its diverse range of offerings. If you are considering to travel to China to select furniture for your project, whether residential or commercial, you have found the right partner to guide you to furniture manufacturers and furniture markets in South China.
Residential Single Unit Project
10% Service Charge
based on EXW Order Value- Min. Order Value: 20,000 USD
- Fully Guided Furniture Tour
- Inclusive Car + Driver
- Inclusive: Order follow up, Quality Control, Container Consolidation, After-Sales Support
Commercial Project
12% Service Charge
based on EXW Order Value
- Min. Order Value: 50,000 USD
- Fully Guided Furniture Tour
- Inclusive Car + Driver
- Inclusive: Order follow up, Quality Control, Container Consolidation, After-Sales Support
South China: The place with endless possibilities to fitting out your space
First and foremost, our journey begins with a meticulous understanding your requirements and wishes. We know that understanding your design intent and wishes is paramount to successfully furnishing your space. We are able to coordinate with your architects, interior designer and project managers, or just follow your own instructions to find the best matching furniture.
Next, our dedicated team engages in organizing a trip itinerary to optimize pricing and time we are spending together with you looking at furniture and show rooms. We leverage our extensive network of suppliers to work out a unique trip that is tailored to your requirements.
During the trip with you, we will translate and help to communicate all your requirements, while taking notes of all decisions that were made on the ground in China. We follow up on all order details and coordinate placing all orders.
Po zapojení dodavatele do projektu přicházejí na řadu naše opatření pro kontrolu kvality s přísnými inspekcemi a testováním výrobků, které jsou zárukou dodržení vašich standardů. Jsme přesvědčeni, že kvalita výrobků je samozřejmostí, a v průběhu celého výrobního procesu působíme jako ostražití hlídači.
Our commitment doesn't stop at the factory gates; Once the goods are finished we will consolidate all the products in our warehouse to ensure a space-efficient container loading. We also oversee the logistics and shipping aspects meticulously. We work closely with reputable logistics partners to ensure timely and cost-effective transportation, managing the complexities of international shipping and customs clearance on your behalf.

The Roadmap to a successful Furniture Sourcing Trip in China
1. Kick-off Meeting: Grasping Your Requirements
Cesta k úspěšnému sourcingu začíná důkladným porozuměním vašim požadavkům. Od samotného začátku se soustředíme na navázání jasné a otevřené komunikace, abychom správně porozuměli vašim specifickým záměrům, kvalitativním očekáváním, rozpočtovým podmínkám, produktovým specifikacím a dodacím lhůtám.
2. Planning your Furniture Sourcing Trip
Armed with a clear view of your expectations, we employ our knowledge of the vast Chinese marketplace and work out a detailed itinerary for your sourcing trip. Our aim is to bring you to the manufacturers and show rooms that offer furniture which meet your specific needs concerning product quality, pricing, and delivery times.
3. Logging in the Dates
From the very beginning on we will guide for all necessary preparations, including visa arrangements, hotel bookings and travel preparations.
4. The Furniture Sourcing Trip
During the trip with you, we will guide you the entire trip, from Hotel pick-up to drop-off. We help to communicate, we take notes of all decisions that were made on the ground in China, and also consult you on materials and specifications.
5. Vyjednávání cen
Vyjednávání výhodných cen je klíčovým krokem v našem procesu obstarávání. Náš zkušený tým důsledně pracuje na tom, aby finální ceny odpovídaly vašemu rozpočtu, aniž by byla ovlivněna požadovaná kvalita, a zajistil tak nejlepší možnou návratnost vaší investice.
6. Zadání zakázky a uzavření smlouvy
Po úspěšném vyjednávání vám pomůžeme se zadáním zakázky a dohlédneme na to, aby smlouva skutečně chránila vaše zájmy. Zvláštní pozornost věnujeme detailům a dbáme na to, aby specifikace produktů, harmonogramy dodávek, platební podmínky a případné nepředvídatelné události byly jasně a zřetelně uvedeny a vzájemně odsouhlaseny.
7. Kontrola kvality a inspekce v průběhu výroby
Na prvním místě je pro nás kvalita výrobků, která se kontroluje v celé fázi výroby. Po dokončení výroby následuje další řada kontrol, které zajišťují, že výrobky před odesláním splňují stanovené normy kvality.
8. Consolidation, Shipping and Logistics
The final step of this sourcing journey involves the coordination of logistics and shipping. We consolidate all goods in our warehouse and ensure the products are shipped as per the contractually agreed Incoterms. We actively keep you updated throughout the shipping process until the products reach your premises.
Start planning your furniture Sourcing Trip in China with us.
We're your trusted partner in sourcing exceptional furniture and décor from South China. Our comprehensive service simplifies the entire process, from understanding your vision to delivering your order to your doorstep. We meticulously plan your sourcing trip, negotiate the best prices, and ensure rigorous quality control every step of the way. Experience a seamless and stress-free journey to furnishing your space – contact us today.
Contact us
Get in touch with us and let us know your requirements.
Kick-off meeting
We schedule than a proper kick-off meeting to make sure we understand your requirements.
We help you with all bookings so you are all set for your Furniture Sourcing Trip in China.
Come to China
Now nothing is holding you back to come and select the furniture you desire in China yourself.