Sourcing Porcelain Tiles in China: Glazed vs. Full Body Porcelain Tiles

October 8, 2023 by
Sourcing Porcelain Tiles in China: Glazed vs. Full Body Porcelain Tiles
Clemens Rudolph


Choosing the right flooring for your home is a critical decision that involves balancing aesthetics, durability, and functionality. Porcelain tiles have gained popularity as a flooring option due to their durability, ease of maintenance, and resistance to stains and scratches. However, not all porcelain tiles are the same, and understanding the differences between glazed and full-body porcelain tiles is essential to make an informed choice for your space. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of porcelain tiles, exploring the distinctions between glazed and full-body tiles to help you select the perfect flooring for your needs.

The Basics of Porcelain Tiles

1.1 What Are Porcelain Tiles?

  • Porcelain tiles are a type of ceramic tile made from kiln-fired clay.
  • They are known for their exceptional durability and water resistance.
  • Porcelain tiles come in various designs, colors, and patterns to suit different aesthetics.

1.2 Benefits of Porcelain Tiles

  • Porcelain tiles are highly durable, making them suitable for high-traffic areas.
  • They are easy to maintain, requiring minimal cleaning and upkeep.
  • Porcelain tiles are resistant to stains, scratches, and moisture, making them ideal for various spaces.

Understanding Glazed Porcelain Tiles

2.1 The Glazing Process

  • Glazed porcelain tiles receive a liquid glass or enamel coating before firing.
  • This coating adds a glossy or matte finish to the tile's surface.
  • The glaze material fuses with the tile during the kiln firing process.

2.2 Design and Appearance

  • Glazed porcelain tiles offer a wide range of design possibilities.
  • Digital inkjet printing allows for intricate designs, including fabric, rare stones, or reclaimed wood patterns.
  • The design is on the top layer of the tile, which can wear off over time.

2.3 Stain Resistance and Maintenance

  • Glazed tiles have a non-porous surface due to the liquid glass coating.
  • This non-porous nature makes them highly stain-resistant and easy to clean.
  • Regular sweeping and occasional cleaning suffice to maintain their appearance.

Exploring Full Body Porcelain Tiles

3.1 Composition of Full Body Tiles

  • Full-body porcelain tiles, also known as unglazed tiles, consist of natural clays.
  • They are fired in a kiln without the addition of glaze.
  • Color comes from mineral deposits in the clay or natural color pigments.

3.2 Appearance and Durability

  • Full-body tiles have an earthy, natural appearance with color running throughout.
  • They are denser and thicker than glazed tiles, making them more durable.
  • Excellent resistance to impact, abrasion, and high slip resistance characterize full-body tiles.

3.3 Maintenance and Stain Resistance

  • Unglazed tiles can absorb liquids, potentially leading to stains.
  • They require a protective sealant that needs periodic reapplication.
  • Full-body tiles are favored in wet areas, outdoor spaces, and commercial settings due to their slip resistance.

Comparing Glazed and Full Body Porcelain Tiles

4.1 Production Process

  • Both glazed and full-body tiles undergo a similar manufacturing process.
  • The key distinction lies in the addition of glaze to glazed tiles before firing.

4.2 Coating and Appearance

  • Glazed tiles feature a liquid glass coating that provides diverse design options.
  • Full-body tiles have a natural appearance with color permeating the entire tile.

4.3 Stain Resistance and Maintenance

  • Glazed tiles are non-porous and highly stain-resistant, requiring minimal maintenance.
  • Full-body tiles can absorb liquids, necessitating sealant application and periodic resealing.

4.4 Thickness and Durability

  • Full-body tiles are thicker and denser, offering superior durability.
  • Glazed tiles have poorer impact resistance and are prone to surface wear.

Making the Right Choice

5.1 Consider the Application

  • Choose tiles based on the space's traffic, such as residential or commercial.
  • Heavy-traffic areas benefit from full-body tiles, while glazed tiles suit lighter traffic spaces.

5.2 Weight-Bearing Capacity

  • Glazed tiles are not suitable for areas with heavyweights due to their lower impact resistance.
  • Consider the weight load in your space when selecting porcelain tiles.

5.3 Longevity and Maintenance

  • Evaluate your willingness for maintenance, as full-body tiles may require periodic resealing.
  • Glazed tiles offer long-lasting stain resistance and minimal upkeep.


Selecting the perfect porcelain tiles for your space involves a careful evaluation of your specific needs and preferences. Glazed and full-body porcelain tiles each offer unique benefits and considerations. By understanding the differences between these two types, you can make an informed decision that enhances the aesthetic and functionality of your living spaces. Whether you opt for the intricate designs of glazed tiles or the natural durability of full-body tiles, your choice will contribute to the lasting beauty and resilience of your flooring.

Sourcing Premium Porcelain Tiles in China

As a trusted procurement company in China, Guangzhou Sourcing specializes in sourcing premium porcelain tiles tailored to your requirements. Our extensive network of suppliers ensures access to top-tier materials and competitive pricing. Contact us today to begin your journey toward discovering the ideal porcelain tiles for your project.

Section 7: Exploring Porcelain Tile Trends and Innovations Stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends and innovations in porcelain tiles. Discover how technology and design are reshaping the world of flooring and explore exciting possibilities for your next project.

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