Het verschil tussen CAL 117 en CAL 133 Brandclassificaties

Het begrijpen van brandclassificaties voor meubels bij het inkopen in China
12 oktober 2023 in
Het verschil tussen CAL 117 en CAL 133 Brandclassificaties
Clemens Rudolph


When embarking on the selection of materials and external finishes for your forthcoming commercial or industrial construction project, ensuring compliance with the minimum fire rating standards becomes paramount. This compliance is instrumental in upholding the overarching safety of any building. Adhering to these standards is more than a legal requirement; it is a moral and ethical responsibility that directly impacts the lives and safety of building occupants. In particular, this underscores the significance of rigorous quality inspections, especially when considering purchases from new or unfamiliar manufacturers.

Why Fire Ratings Matter When Sourcing Furniture 

Fire ratings are not just technical standards; they are critical tools for risk management and mitigation in any building project. In the context of procuring furniture for your project, two critical factors warrant attention: the fire resistance of the materials and their fire containment capabilities. The interplay between these elements significantly impacts the safety of materials in the face of fire incidents and their ability to swiftly suppress fire outbreaks.

Inadequate fire resistance in furniture materials can lead to rapid fire spread, creating dangerous conditions and increasing the potential for loss of life and property. Therefore, understanding fire ratings and how they apply to various materials is crucial. Different fire rating standards exist worldwide, covering diverse elements like sprinkler systems, insulation, construction materials, and furniture. Essentially, any material with the potential to ignite or contribute to a fire event is assigned a specific rating that reflects its capacity to either withstand or curtail a fire incident.

Understanding these fire rating standards is pivotal in guiding your material choices for your upcoming construction projects, particularly in areas subject to stringent fire safety codes. These standards become even more crucial when sourcing furniture from countries like China, where varying regulations and quality standards may apply. Two of the most critical standards in this regard are CAL 117 and CAL 133. In this article, we will delve into these standards, their differences, and why they matter for your sourcing decisions.

What is CAL 117? Understanding the Basics

CAL 117, or California Technical Bulletin 117, represents an industry-wide standard predominantly applicable to upholstered furniture items in the United States and Canada. Given the prevalence of flammable materials like wood, foam, and fabric in various settings, ensuring fire protection for furniture is of paramount importance. CAL 117 is designed to evaluate the performance of fire-retardant treatments—like paints, coatings, and other suppressing materials—that are applied to furniture to minimize the risk of ignition and slow the spread of flames in case of fire incidents.

The CAL 117 fire rating standard involves a dual-stage evaluation process to determine a material's fire resistance and containment properties. The first stage focuses on the material's ability to resist fire, labeled as the Fire Resistance Rating (FR). This rating is categorized as follows:

  • FR-0: The material offers no protection against fire. It is highly flammable and does not contain any fire-retardant properties.
  • FR-1: The material may extinguish a small fire and protect the furniture from moderate heat. This level is suitable for materials that are treated to resist ignition but are not highly durable under intense conditions.
  • FR-2: The material can resist moderate heat for a brief duration. This is suitable for materials that provide a moderate level of fire resistance, typically found in residential or lower-risk environments.
  • FR-3: The material can withstand extreme heat for a short period. These materials provide a higher level of protection and are often used in public spaces or commercial settings where fire risk may be higher.
  • FR-4 or higher: Products rated at this level are deemed capable of enduring fire for an extended period. Such materials are crucial in areas where there is a significant risk of fire or where escape times need to be maximized.

De tweede fase, bekend als de Brandbeheeringsclassificatie (CR), beoordeelt hoe snel het materiaal een brand kan stoppen. CR-classificaties zijn als volgt:

  • CR-0: The material lacks the capacity to contain a fire, allowing it to spread quickly.
  • CR-1: It takes 30 minutes or more to suppress a fire. This rating indicates a lower level of containment.
  • CR-2: It takes 15 minutes or more to suppress a fire. This level provides moderate containment capabilities.
  • CR-3: The product can extinguish a fire within 10 minutes. This rating represents the highest level of containment efficiency.

Understanding CAL 133: A More Stringent Standard

In vergelijking is CAL 133 een brandclassificatiestandaard voorgeschreven door Underwriters Laboratories (UL) en is primair gericht op gestoffeerde meubels bedoeld voor gebruik in commerciële omgevingen. Hoewel CAL 133 overeenkomsten kan vertonen met CAL 117 op het gebied van brandveiligheid, hanteert het een strengere aanpak, waarbij specifiek meubelmaterialen worden gereguleerd die worden gebruikt in openbare ruimtes. Deze ruimtes omvatten overheidsgebouwen en kantoren van particuliere bedrijven waar ten minste tien werknemers werkzaam zijn. Bijgevolg valt CAL 133 op als een van de meest rigoureuze brandclassificatiestandaarden voor meubels.

De CAL 133-beoordeling bestaat ook uit twee fasen die de capaciteit van het materiaal om brand te weerstaan en te beheersen evalueren. De categorieën van de Brandweerstandbeoordeling (FR) zijn vergelijkbaar met die van CAL 117:

  • FR-0: The material does not offer protection from fire. It is highly flammable and does not contain any fire-retardant properties.
  • FR-1: The furniture material can extinguish a small fire. This is a basic level of fire resistance.
  • FR-2: The material can resist moderate heat and protect itself from such heat. This level offers moderate protection, suitable for less risky environments.
  • FR-3: The material can endure extreme heat for a limited period. This rating is critical for commercial environments where the risk of fire might be elevated.

However, CAL 133 goes beyond the scope of CAL 117 by implementing a full-scale item test, assessing not just the materials used but the entire furniture structure. This method makes CAL 133 more severe, comprehensive, and ultimately more reliable for high-risk settings.

Distinguishing CAL 117 from CAL 133

In essentie dient CAL 117 als de fundamentele standaard voor het beoordelen van de brandbaarheid van gestoffeerd meubilair in de Verenigde Staten en Canada. Daarentegen fungeert CAL 133 als een uitgebreid beoordelingssysteem dat is afgestemd op gestoffeerd meubilair bedoeld voor commercieel gebruik.

Bovendien breidt CAL 133 zijn reikwijdte uit om gestoffeerd meubilair in risicovolle openbare ruimtes aan te pakken, waaronder settings zoals ziekenhuizen, kinderdagverblijven, verpleeghuizen, correctiefaciliteiten, openbare stadions, auditoria en vergadergebieden. Deze breed toepasselijke benadering maakt CAL 133 tot een van de strengste brandbeoordelingsnormen in de meubelindustrie.

Terwijl CAL 117 zich voornamelijk richt op de vulmaterialen en stoffen die worden gebruikt in meubels, voert CAL 133 een volledige itemtest uit, waarbij de brandwerendheid van de gehele meubelstructuur wordt beoordeeld. Deze meer uitgebreide testmethode is een van de redenen waarom CAL 133 wordt beschouwd als een strengere brandclassificatie dan CAL 117.

A burning chair

Testing Challenges

Het is essentieel om te erkennen dat CAL 133 een aanzienlijke uitdaging vormt voor meubelfabrikanten. Tijdens de test wordt een meubelstuk, zoals een stoel, bank, kruk, poef of bank, gedurende 80 seconden aan ontsteking blootgesteld met behulp van een gasbrander. Dit rigoureuze testproces houdt rekening met verschillende factoren, waaronder temperatuur, koolmonoxide-emissies, warmtegeneratie, rookproductie en gewichtsverlies. De metingen van deze factoren worden nauwkeurig vergeleken met testcriteria die zijn vastgesteld door het regulerende orgaan om de nalevings- of niet-nalevingsclassificatie voor het meubelstuk te bepalen.

De veeleisende aard van deze test, in combinatie met de bijbehorende kosten, maakt het tot een aanzienlijke financiële last voor meubelfabrikanten. Het voorbereiden van het testobject, het verzenden ervan naar het testlaboratorium en het betalen van testkosten die kunnen oplopen tot $500 tot $600 dragen bij aan de uitdagingen en kosten waarmee fabrikanten te maken hebben bij het voldoen aan de CAL 133-normen.

Key Takeaway

While you might not be familiar with the intricacies of CAL 117 and CAL 133 fire ratings, it is crucial to recognize their pivotal roles as regulation protocols for furniture. These standards play a crucial part in safeguarding consumers by ensuring that furniture items meet stringent fire safety requirements.

Despite the financial challenges faced by manufacturers and project managers in meeting these standards, it is essential to acknowledge that these efforts substantially reduce the risk of fire spreading within commercial and industrial buildings. The fire resistance of furniture, as assessed by these standards, is instrumental in containing fires and, most importantly, saving lives during fire emergencies. Thus, it is incumbent upon individuals seeking commercial or residential furniture items to be vigilant and prioritize checking the fire ratings of materials before making their purchase decisions.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between CAL 117 and CAL 133 fire ratings is essential for anyone involved in the procurement or design of upholstered furniture. These standards not only ensure compliance with fire safety regulations but also play a crucial role in protecting lives and property.

As the furniture industry continues to evolve, staying informed about fire safety standards and advancements in technology will be vital. By prioritizing fire safety in furniture design and manufacturing, stakeholders can contribute to a safer environment for all. 

Whether you are a designer, manufacturer, or consumer, being aware of fire ratings and their implications can lead to more responsible choices that prioritize safety without compromising style. In a world where fire safety is paramount, understanding and adhering to CAL 117 and CAL 133 standards is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a commitment to protecting lives and ensuring the safety of our environments.

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